Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bah Humbug - Hallelujah

Not facing this holiday season with good thoughts. If it could only be about the celebration of the birth and life of Jesus Christ, but it isn't. And guess what, I helped create this commercial view of Christmas in my own home. There was something so inviting about doing the whole magical Santa tree thing with all the presents and filled socks. Trying to make up for what I felt was lacking in my own childhood but what I didn't realize was that what I remember most clearly about Christmas growing up was the people. The grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins all merry, laughing and breaking bread together. It was more about the gathering of clan and the sharing of food that was special. The gifts? not really. How can I correct what I created? How can I make these daughters of mine appreciate what is really important? Neither has even presented a wish list to me this year which means they really have all that they need. (Having said this, as a new teacher Kelly doesn't really make the salary to afford all that she needs in this expensive California) Any ideas?

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