Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Miracle!!

It has been a month since my last blog entry and here are my sins. Just kidding, but I am amazed that a whole month has gone by. A month of having someone care for me - what a concept! Someone who cooks me dinner, watches my back, holds me, laughs at my jokes, comforts me when I am sad and so much more that I cannot say here in this blog.

A month that included him getting hurt, getting sick and missing his kids desperately. A month that included my angry teenager, unable to deal with disappointment with her boyfriend, taking it out on me and not wanting anyone else in her life, especially her mother, to have joy. A month that included my latest wish child dying before his wish could be granted. Ouch, that one still grabs my heart. A month that included corporate craziness, changes I don't understand, wondering how it will all turn out.

Do the pluses outnumber the minuses? Is this what life is all about? I truly cherish the wonderful moments that happened this month, Taize prayer service, a trip away with good friends, scrambled eggs and incredible muffins eaten in bed, wow! Meditating with my friend Lynn to send healing to her seriously ill friend.

But the biggest miracle just happened - my new love found an old friend who has been out of my life for 6 years. I sent him an email, hoping against all hope, that he would contact me and he did and I hope it picks up where it left off. It hurts to lose an old friend. He called me by my Italian name Giovanna. I like that. I missed him.

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