Friday, November 21, 2008

Support each other

I'm pondering why it is that whenever girls or women gather in groups of 3 or more, there sometimes is a strange thing that happens, where meanness or unkind gossip happens. With pre-teens, I've seen the three way call happen where they don't let the third girl know someone is secretly listening in and prompt the other girl to say disparaging comments about the other girl. I just don't get this. I've heard grown women tell another woman unkind things that were said about her when she wasn't present. Would someone say something unkind if they knew it was going to be repeated? I think not but it happens all the time. Men don't seem to do this - they aren't that analytical I guess. Women, we've got to let the unkind gossip stop. We need to support each other even when we are different from each other. We all have our differences, our strengths and our weaknesses. Can we just celebrate these?

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

I agree Joan, let us inspire, let us support, let us acknowledge and let us do this not only for others but ourselves. As we feel good inside we are better able to see the goodness in everyone and rise above tearing people down. Thank you for reminding us to rise up and raise up all.