Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Eye of the Tiger - Obama

Wow, history was made tonight. Absolutely amazing. Diane wanted me to blog about "Eye of the Tiger" and keeping your eye on the goal as it pertains to our working out. I guess we can apply it to the Presidency as well as our commitment to working out regularly, can't we? Obama had his eye on the goal of Presidency and succeeded, never getting bogged down by the threat or fear of racism but rather the goal of uniting this country.

I am so grateful that Julia participated in "Sojourn to the Past" last spring, retracing the Civil Rights movement in the South. We all cried when she related stories about the heroes of the movement - John Lewis, Medgar Evers, Fred Shuttlesworth and of course Martin Luther King and many others. We cried when the kids came off the plane, singing "We shall overcome" and it has happened tonight. All men are created equal and it is evidenced tonight. Let Freedom Ring!!!!

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