Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rain, Pincher bugs and the present moment

Julia, Kyle and I headed to an evening of Yuppie camping at Costanoa this past Friday. I call it Yuppie camping because the tent cabins are already set up for you, the beds come with heated mattress pads, down comforters and pillows. Each tent cabin has electricity and they provide you with towels. The near-by comfort station (their name for bathrooms) come equipped with heated floors, showers, sauna and hair dryers. There is a roaring fire with adirondrack chairs around it if you want to roast marshmellows. Now this is what I call camping in my advanced age. Within walking distance is a very good restaurant with wine and beer and a fully stocked general store. It gets very dark at Costanoa very quickly once the sun goes down. I had to walk to the general lodge area to find Kyle and Julia when they arrived, with my handy flashlight - that's the one thing you do need to bring.
At some point during the evening, Kyle started to get sad and down, feeling he let everyone down and just couldn't seem to pull himself out of the sad feelings when all of a sudden, it started pouring rain. He and Julia exclaimed, we are so happy it's raining - we love the rain! The rain brought them right into the present moment and then just a few minutes later when pincher bugs started coming out from behind the wood beams they really were in the present moment. Julia was freaked out about the bugs but found that when she shone the flashlight on them, they hid behind the wood. Kyle spent the next 30-40 minutes helping the pincher bugs leave the tent. Everyone was in a much better mood after the rain and the pincher bugs and I thought, how funny that mother nature can easily bring you right to the present moment, something all the great spiritual teachers try to tell us. When we're listening to the rain and trying to persuade pincher bugs to leave, we forget what happened yesterday and what could happen tomorrow.
If you're interested in Yuppie camping, Costanoa is a great place to stay. But warning, it does have bugs and animals - we think there was a skunk or possum under our tent, trying to escape the downpour. I think the poor critter kept hitting its head on the floor, its ceiling under the tent. They have family style tents that face each other and a firepit between them so you don't have to go to the comfort station.

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