Friday, July 29, 2011

Has it really been a year?

I haven't written in a year or more - wow! My life has taken twists and turns and some of those twists have not been in my best interest and some have. I am learning how to cope with someone else's addiction and find it is an additional layer of stress that I'm feeling my way through. There are days when I forget as the addiction takes a back seat for a long stretch of time and there are days when the addiction may rear it's ugly head and all I can is shake my head and watch the implosion. I hear the term "co-dependent" and you don't want to be that person and so you have to take the 12 steps seriously and the first step - I cannot control anyone else's behavior is probably the one that most applies. You just have to sit back and watch the train wreck and then pick up the survivors. Enough of that - new post.

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