Friday, April 3, 2009

Tweet tweet tweet

Isn't it interesting how we are all communicating with each other via the various technologies available to us, such as Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin, Twitter? I watched Mark update his status every couple of minutes and had to laugh - who was reading all of this? How inane is our world but then it prevents us from getting into these long winded conversations but still able to update people we know with what is happening in our lives. I think I like it, I think I don't like it. I don't know.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Tweet tweet, so sweet. You are right on. We have so much to say and in these brief blogs, tweets or comments on facebook or other network, we can express our SELF. The SELF is so much more interesting than self. I loved your simple message it is so rich and fruitful.Mostly in simplicity is fullness of life and in this case expression.