Thursday, February 5, 2009

God must have spent a little more time on you

Heard this old NSync song on the radio driving home tonight from Di's house and I remembered how when I first heard it, I thought it was so beautiful and it made me think of one of my sister-in-laws who I just had talked to on the phone.

At the time, I thought she was definitely one of those people that God had spent more time on but reflecting back on it now, I think that all of my sister-in-laws are people that God spent alittle more time on. Penny and the tremendous love she has for her family, Diane and her easygoing but loving ways, accepting everyone and being open to everyone - so admire that quality in her, Karen and her caring/giving ways to her family and friends, her ability to get in and do the work, the volunteering, whatever needs to be done and lastly Sherry, whom I've spent years meditating with. I don't know her as well but I do know one thing, my brothers have picked the most wonderful women in the world. I love them all so much and we in the family are fortunate to have these people that God spent more time on. These courageous women, mothers, sisters, friends, daughters, wives - they are truly the best.

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