Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thoughts while jet lagged

As I was returning from London this past Friday, looking out the airplane window, I remembered something Marjorie said about first entering the States from her native Scotland. (Marjorie owns the local tea place in Pacifica - Tranquilitea, if you ever get the chance, try to take in a cup of tea there - it is amazing.) Anyway, Marjorie commented that when she first landed in the States, she felt the energy of the busyness of the American people. The energy whizzed past her to and fro. I wondered as she told us this why she ever stayed here. How could you leave the calm of Scotland for the busyness of America? And where are we all running to and fro here? Although having just left London, the energy there is just as busy as the States, however, I do think there is more of a personal life for folks in London. They don't seem to have to be in the office at the crack of dawn and they leave for home at a reasonable hour. They seem to have a work-life balance. I noticed this when I worked at Barclays too.

Marjorie has created a little cozy respite here in Pacifica. Tranquilitea sits right by the bait shop on a very quiet, not heavily traffiked street. Marjorie lost her husband this past year and has to work now at another job as well as run the Tea shop. I hope she can maintain both but I don't know. She is now one of us busy American's, isn't she? When you walk into Tranquilitea, you feel instantly calm with the lavendar walls and white tables. I pray that Marjorie can maintain the peaceful Tranquilitea. I worry some days she won't be able to.

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